15 Deadliest Diseases Caused By Mosquito Bite And How To Protect Yourself From Them

Mosquitoes are the most deadly vectors accounting for over 15 diseases that affect humans. These include:


1. Malaria

2. Dengue fever

3. Chikungunya

4. Yellow fever

5. Zika virus

6. West Nile virus

7. Filariasis

8. Japanese encephalitis

9. Rift Valley fever

10. St. Louis encephalitis

11. La Crosse encephalitis

12. Eastern equine encephalitis

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13. Western equine encephalitis

14. Murray Valley encephalitis

15. Ross River virus disease


These diseases are primarily transmitted by various species of mosquitoes especially Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex.



Kill mosquitoes, don’t let them kill you.


The best way to protect yourself from diseases spread by mosquito bites is to avoid being bitten. Take the following measures to reduce the risk of being bitten:

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1. Wear long, light-coloured clothing when you go outdoors, especially at times when mosquitoes are active.


2. Use mosquito repellent. Follow the instructions for using mosquito repellent.


3. Install proper mosquito nets on the doors and windows of your house, as well as on your tent and camping shelter

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4. Cover strollers and playpens with mosquito netting when they are outdoors.


5. Actively seek to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your surroundings. To learn more, read Reducing the number of mosquitoes in your surroundings



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