Here Are Other Powerful Use Of Contraceptive Drugs You Never Know

Did you know that contraceptives are used for other health purposes apart from preventing pregnancy?


I will tell you 10 of them and why it is necessary to know this.


Come with me 👇


Why is it necessary to know this?


It’s for the simple reason of helping you get more aware and in turn,

avoiding misuse of contraceptives.


I’d advise you to read this without a rush or bookmark for later 🙏


This information may appear to new to you considering that the term “ contraceptives” means such drugs are likely to only prevent pregnancy .


Here is what to note ; those drugs are first hormonal medications before they got classified as contraceptive.


Medications often possess more than one effect and this can easily be achieved by how they are administered or what they are combined with


For hormonal medications especially, when given in a pausatile manner they can easily trigger their actual effect.

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However, when given continuous manner,


some of some of them to tend to trigger the effect opposite to their actual effects.


Before we go deep into this, take minute to ponder and why estrogens are used to improve fertility and yet combined with progesterone in combination oral contraceptive.


This is possible through the ability of the hormones to trigger negative feedbacks signals to the brain when necessary.


When you take them just the way you like,


you may be doing yourself the opposite of what you desire to achieve.


Another reason to always allow experts handle your medical needs


Now let’s learn those 10 conditions 👇


1• Acne; this is an inflammatory disease condition of the hair follicles and the sebaceous gland of the face, chest, and back.


It can also be non inflammatory or present as a combination of both.


The factors that triggers development of Acne include ;

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🍭Plugging of hair follicular pores


🍭Excessive sebum (oil) production


🍭Presence of certain bacteria


🍭Other forms of inflammation




2• DYSMENORRHEA : Painful menstrual cramps that is usually severe, regular and could interrupt daily activities in some cases.


It could be primary and secondary.


The primary form happens without an underlying disease.


It can start as early as less than 6 months after the onset of first period (monarche)




This means the absence of menstruation. In pregnant women and postmenopausal women, this is normal.


However, in women of child bearing age, this calls for medical concerns.


Just like Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea could also be primary or secondary


5• PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS); this is described as a combination of recurrent physical, psychological, and behavioral changes that show up before a woman’s period.


The severity of these changes is significant enough to negatively impact your relationships and normal activity.

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Some of them include; anxiety, food craving imbalances, depression, sleep disorder, pain Acne breakout, diminished social interest, and others.


6• PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISORDER (PMDD); this is the advanced form of PMS. The symptoms are usually more intense and severe compared to PMS.


7• ENDOMETRIOSIS; this is an estrogen-dependent condition in which tissues that look like tissues of the uterus (womb) grow out outside the uterus.


It is known to cause painful heavy periods, Painful sexual intercourse, and infertility.


8•HIRSUTISM; This can be described as undesired male-pattern hair growth in women that usually appears on the face, chest, and back.


9• ANEMIA; the ability of oral contraceptives to blood loss has made them beneficial in reducing iron deficiency anemia.


10• Lower risk of ovarian cancer; this is usually attributed to combination oral contraceptives.


They also have a similar influence on endometrial cancer.



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