List Of What Paw Paw Leaves And Seeds Can Treat You Never Know

Pawpaw leaves and seeds treat

May promote balanced blood sugar


Papaya leaf is often used in Mexican folk medicine as a natural therapy for treating diabetes and improving blood sugar control (5Trusted Source).



Studies in mice with diabetes have found papaya leaf extract to have potent antioxidant and blood-sugar-lowering effects. This is attributed to papaya leaf’s ability to protect insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from damage and premature death (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

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Still, no scientific evidence indicates that the same or similar effects may occur in humans.


More research is needed to determine whether papaya leaf can be used to help manage high blood sugar levels in humans.


1. Colitis

2. chronic constipation & IBS

3.  intestinal helminthiasis (pinworm, tapeworm, etc)

4.  kerosene poisoning

5. hormonal imbalances

6. dysentery

7. hypertension

8. jaundice

9. urinary retention

10. dystocia

11. wounds

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12. amoebiasis



Women with irregular menstrual cycles are often caused by hormonal disorders in the body. This condition causes various problems such as hot flashes, acne and sometimes serious health consequences such as polycystic ovary disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. , ovarian cancer…

Drinking papaya leaf juice can be a great solution to help solve menstrual problems. Thanks to the inherent properties, papaya leaves have the effect of balancing hormones, regulating the menstrual cycle and minimizing the risk of serious gynecological diseases.

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Relieve menstrual pain


Also related to menstruation is dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain during menstruation and this is really an obsession for many women because of the discomfort of lower abdominal cramps. A remedy for this situation, women just need to use a little papaya leaf juice to cook with sesame and salt to help quickly repel abdominal pain during menstruation.



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